Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Blueberry: A Long History of Health Benefits.

Comment: Food is as important to a culture as it is for maintaining good health. One resource writes how the blueberry was considered "medicinal" to many native populations of Canada.
The Ojibwa, Cree, and Odawa all used the blueberry plant for medicinal purposes. The Ojibwa ground the leaves and used them as a medicinal tea and as a cure for headaches. Cree healers chewed fresh blueberry leaves and applied it to wounds. Odawa peoples brewed the leaves and used it as a healthy tonic. (U of Calgary)
Blueberries have a been shown to have superior nutritional value and have health benefits. In addition to reducing oxidative stress especially after exercise; a recent report suggests eating blueberries may be beneficial for weight control, improve memory and protect against "intestinal inflammations such as ulcerative colitis."

Find out more about

McAnulty, S. (2004). Consumption of blueberry polyphenols reduces exercise-induced oxidative stress compared to vitamin c. Nutrition Research, 24(3):209-221.
Andres-Lacueva, C., Shukitt-Hale, B., Galli, R. L., Jauregui, O., Lamuela-Raventos, R. M., and Joseph, J. A. (2005). Anthocyanins in aged blueberry-fed rats are found centrally and may enhance memory. Nutritional neuroscience, 8(2):111-120.
University of Calgary. Red Deer College. Canadian Shield. Canadas First Nations. 2000. Retrieved on February  18, 2010.
Medical News Today. (2010). Blueberries counteract intestinal diseases. Retreived on February 18, 2010.

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